
Check out the Home Page to contact Anna or schedule a meeting to discuss!

Available for on-site assistance/services in the Boston and Greater-Boston areas and able to meet via Zoom for any remote opportunities

*Please note that tutoring is only offered in-person

    • Instrumental arrangements (horn section, rhythm section, string section, etc.)

    • Lead-sheet writing (original songs or covers)

    • Studio musician/live gig work (cello or vocals)

    • Scoring by scene/section (notation and/or DAW recording, .wav or .mp3)

    • Full score for short film (notation and/or DAW recording; .wav or .mp3)

    • Audio editing by scene

    • Assistance with office work

    • Apprenticeship/internship

    • Berklee students: tutoring for core Harmony 2-4 and Ear-training 3-4

    • Non-Berklee students: introduction to basic harmony, sight reading, and other musical skills